It's all about the Evolution of your Psychic Senses!!!
Oct. 23, 2019

Psychic Evolution EP10: Science and the Soul: Using Science to connect to the Other Side

Psychic Evolution EP10: Science and the Soul: Using Science to connect to the Other Side

Jamie and Maggie welcome Dr. Mark Pitstick M.A., D.C., who is the director of The Soul Phone Foundation, founded online and worldwide Greater Reality Living Groups, as he discusses the development of The Soul Phone, a device designed to connect us...

Jamie and Maggie welcome Dr. Mark Pitstick M.A., D.C., who is the director of The Soul Phone Foundation, founded online and worldwide Greater Reality Living Groups, as he discusses the development of The Soul Phone, a device designed to connect us with our loved ones on the other side! This amazing and life-changing technology may be the next big breakthrough in understanding our existence and future! You don't want to miss this episode!! Visit to learn more about his free articles and newsletter as well as books, documentary film, and audio products. Greater Reality Living Groups: Scientific Evidence of Afterlife: SoulPhone Update: 

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